3-phase IQ Gateway

Item #: 1445362

Cat #: ENV-IQ-AM3-3P


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Three-phase communications gateway with integrated PV production metering (+/- 0.5%) and optional consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5%). Includes three 200A continuous rated production CTs.


Three-phase communications gateway with integrated PV production metering (+/- 0.5%) and optional consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5%). Includes three 200A continuous rated production CTs.
The Enphase IQ Commercial Envoy™ gateway delivers solar production and energy consumption data to Enphase Enlighten™ monitoring and analysis software for comprehensive, remote maintenance and management of three-phase Enphase IQ Systems. With integrated production metering and optional consumption monitoring, the Envoy IQ is the platform for total energy management and integrates with the IQ Microinverters™ and Enphase IQ Battery™.
Also known as: ENV-IQ-AM3-3P


Phase: 3
Phase: 3

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